Quest Name: Daily Pickings
Quest Location: Hargeon
Quest Type: Gathering
Quest Giver: Tropi at 2252 64 -3452
Objectives: Go to the Melon Patch right in front of the House. Open the Melons like you would a Chest and collect up 40 Melon Slices then Deliver them to Tropi
Quest Reward: J2,000
Quest Name: The Salamander
Quest Location: Hargeon
Quest Type: Fighting
Quest Giver: Lucy at 2068 64 -3365
Quest Objectives: Defeat Bora who is on his Yacht in the Harbor at 1834 67 -3390
Quest Reward: J500, Prominence Whip(A 10 damage Weapon. High Drop Chance) and 50 Magic Exp
Quest Name: Mercantile Grievances
Quest Location: Hargeon
Quest Type: Fighting/Assassination
Quest Giver: Eduard at 1977 64 -3364
Objective 1: Kill Dean, who is at 2220 64 -3586
Objective 2:Talk to Eduard again who is at 1977 64 -3364
Quest Reward: J3,500
Quest Name: All Ashore
Quest Location: Hargeon
Quest Type: Fighting
Quest Giver: Eduard at 1977 64 -3364
Quest Objectives:
Objective 1: Go to the Pirate Ship which is at 1699 72 -3085.
Objective 2: Kill 5 Pirates on the Ship.
Objective 3: Kill the Pirate Captain in his Cabin at 1666 75 -3045
Quest Reward: J9,750
Quest Name: Malicious Wolf
Quest Location: Hargeon
Quest Type: Fighting
Quest Giver: Guard Earl at 2011 63 -3382
Quest Objectives:
Objective 1: Go to the Wolf Den at 2211 66 -3140
Objective 2: Defeat 5 Wolves of the Pack in the Wolf Den
Objective 3: Talk to Guard Earl at 2011 63 -3382
Objective 4: Defeat the Mother Wolf at 2270 63 -3257
Quest Reward: J6,000
Quest Name: Lingering Menace
Quest Location: Hargeon
Quest Type: Fighting
Quest Giver: Rod at 2068 63 -3421
Quest Objectives:
Objective 1: Defeat the 6 Criminal Wizards at 1584 66 -3663
Objective 2: Talk to Rod at 2068 63 -3421
Quest Reward: J6,500
Quest Name: Like Bunnies
Quest Location: Hargeon
Quest Type: Fighting
Quest Giver: Mearl at 2054 63 -3407
Quest Objectives:
Objective 1: Defeat 8 Mad Rabbits on Mearls Farm at 1791 64 -2921
Objective 2: Talk to Mearl at 2054 63 -3407
Quest Reward: J8,000
Quest Name: New Settlement
Quest Location: Hargeon
Quest Type: Gathering
Quest Giver: Joe Schuldiner
Quest Objectives:
Objective 1: Deliver Joe Shuldiner 64 Oak Logs, 64 Jungle Logs, 35 Clay Bricks
Objective 2: Deliver 1 Oak Door and 10 Nails bought from the Item Shop in Magnolia at -3254 63 -651 to Joe
Quest Reward: J6,000
Quest Name: Blood Sacrifices
Quest Location: Hargeon
Quest Type: Fighting
Quest Giver: Law Enforcer at 2060 63 -3338
Quest Objectives:
Objective 1: Go to the Occultists Location at 2074 64 -3643
Objective 2: Defeat 5 Blood Occultists
Objective 3: Defeat the Blood High Priest
Objective 4: Talk to Law Enforcer at 2060 63 -3338
Quest Reward: J9,000
Quest Name: Violent Escapee
Quest Location: Hargeon
Quest Type: Fighting
Quest Giver: Law Enforcer at 2060 63 -3338
Quest Objectives:
Objective 1: Go to the Old Hideout at 2022 86 -3715. Get the Scribbled Paper from the Single Chest on the Right of the House
Objective 2: Deliver Scribbled Paper to Law Enforcer at 2060 63 -3338
Objective 3: Defeat the Criminal Mage at 1773 74 -3713
Objective 4: Talk to Law Enforcer at 2060 63 -3338
Quest Reward: J7,500
Quest Name: Terrorists?
Quest Location: Hargeon
Quest Type: Fighting
Quest Giver: Ian at 2018 63 -3336
Quest Objectives:
Objective 1: Go to the Route of the Terrorists at 2128 78 -3677
Objective 2: Defeat all 10 of the Wizard Terrorists there
Objective 3: Talk to Ian at 2018 63 -3336
Quest Reward: J9,500
SClass Quest - Quest Chain
Quest Name: The Presence of Evil
Quest Location: Hargeon
Quest Type: Talk to NPC
Quest Giver: Dock Worker at 1978 64 -3425
Quest Objectives:
Objective 1: Talk to Dock Worker then Hire a Boat and head to Galuna Island
Quest Reward: J1,300(The cost of the Boat Ride to Galuna Island)
Quest Name: The Demon Within
Quest Location: Galuna Island
Quest Type: Fighting
Quest Giver: Village Chief at 1081 72 -3091
Quest Objectives:
Objective 1: Defeat Angelica at 1013 72 -3011
Objective 2: Defeat Sherry at 994 72 -2972
Objective 3: Defeat Yuka at 983 86 -3035
Objective 4: Defeat Toby at 983 98 -2990
Objective 5: Talk to Village Chief at 1081 72 -3091
Quest Reward: None as part of Quest Chain
Prerequisites: Must have completed The Presence of Evil
Quest Name: The Mysterious Reitei
Quest Location: Galuna Island
Quest Type: Fighting
Quest Giver: Village Chief at 1081 72 -3091
Quest Objectives:
Objective 1: Defeat Lyon at the Top of the Temple at 968 117 -3009
Quest Reward: J6,000
Prerequisites: Must have completed The Demon Within
Quest Name: The Demon of Baltigo Continent
Quest Location: Galuna Island Temple
Quest Type: Fighting
Quest Giver: Gray at 962 72 -3012
Quest Objectives:
Objective 1: Defeat Deliora down in the Hole at 960 15 -3026
Quest Reward: J7,000 and 500 Magic Exp
Prerequisites: Must have completed The Mysterious Reitei
Quest Name: Freeing the Island
Quest Location: Galuna Island
Quest Type: Talking to NPC
Quest Giver: Village Chief at 1081 72 -3091
Quest Objectives:
Objective 1: Talk to Village Chief to explain the problem with his memories
Quest Reward: J1,000
Prerequisites: Must have completed The Demon of Baltigo Continent