Quest Name: Age Old Dream
Quest Location: Magnolia
Quest Type: Fighting
Quest Giver: Old Man Rumil at -3339 63 -360
Quest Objectives:
Objective 1: Go to the Ruins at -3642 65 -362
Objective 2: Defeat 4 Treasure Hunters at the Ruins
Objective 3: Take the Golden Anklet from the Chest at the top of the Ruins and deliver it to Old Man Rumil at -3339 63 -360
Quest Reward: J18,575
Quest Name: Infiltrate! Everlue!
Quest Location: Magnolia
Quest Type: Fighting & Retrieve
Quest Giver: Kaby Melon at -3271 63 -376
Quest Objectives:
Objective 1: Head to Everlues Mansion at -3336 64 534 and defeat Everlues 4 Maids
Objective 2: Defeat the Younger Vanish Brother who's on the Stairs
Objective 3: Defeat the Older Vanish Brother who's on the Stairs
Objective 4: Defeat Everlue who drops the Daybreak Book
Objective 5: Deliver Daybreak to Kaby Melon at -3271 63 -376
Quest Reward: J8,000 and 250 Magic Exp
Quest Name: Lost in the Woods
Quest Location: Magnolia
Quest Type: Rescue
Quest Giver: Jacob Lowert at -3210 63 -398
Quest Objectives:
Objective 1: Go to the Picnic at -3316 67 -27
Objective 2: Defeat the Omnivorous Spider that's trapped Tober and his Family, near the Spider webs
Objective 3: Talk to Tober Lowert who's trapped in the Spider Webs
Objective 4: Talk to Jacon Lowert at -3210 63 -398
Quest Reward: J1,500
Quest Name: Concerned Citizen
Quest Location: Magnolia
Quest Type: Rescue
Quest Giver: Gavin at -3209 63 -353
Quest Objectives:
Objective 1: Go to the Alleyway at -3226 63 -615
Objective 2: Give a Steak to the Stray Dog
Objective 3: Talk to Gavin at -3209 63 -353
Objective 4: Go to Praetis Cabin at -3459 63 -40
Objective 5: Defeat Praeti inside the Cabin
Objective 6: Talk to Gavin at -3209 63 -353
Quest Reward: J8,000
Quest Name: Stopping Evil
Quest Location: Magnolia
Quest Type: Fighting
Quest Giver: Luke at -3175 63 -494
Quest Objectives:
Objective 1: Go to the Trifold Demon Guild Hall at -2790 70 -115
Objective 2: Defeat 4 Folds in the Guild Hall who spawn on the First Floor
Objective 3: Defeat 3 Trifold Demons who spawn on the Second Floor
Objective 4: Talk to Luke at -3175 63 -494
Quest Reward: J11,155
Quest Name: Abusive Priest
Quest Location: Magnolia
Quest Type: Fighting
Quest Giver: Jamie at -3333 63 -595
Quest Objectives:
Objective 1: Go to the Head Priests Home at -3349 63 -402
Objective 2: Kill the Head Priest in the home
Objective 3: Talk to Jamie at -3333 63 -595
Quest Reward: J8,000
Quest Name: Friendly Neighbour
Quest Location: Magnolia
Quest Type: Help an NPC
Quest Giver: Fred at -3219 63 -287
Quest Objectives:
Objective 1: Talk to Old Man Yudo who's in the Magnolia Park at -3331 59 -300
Objective 2: Talk to Fred at -3219 63 -287
Objective 3: Go to Old Man Yudos home at -3277 63 -312
Objective 4: Retrieve a Map of Magnolia from a Chest on the Second Floor of Yudos Home then deliver it to Old Man Yudo at -3331 59 -300
Quest Reward: J5,500
Quest Name: Young Hero
Quest Location: Magnolia
Quest Type: Rescue and Fight
Quest Giver: Jonavon at -3297 63 -287
Quest Objectives:
Objective 1: Go to Mt Hakobe at -2895 114 -772 then enter the Cave at -2854 108 -786
Objective 2: Talk to Jon at -2858 97 -801
Objective 3: Defeat 7 Vulcans inside Mt Hakobe
Objective 4: Talk to Jon at -2858 97 -801
Objective 5: Talk to Jonavon at -3297 63 -287
Quest Reward: J8,000
Quest Name: Fish and my Lake
Quest Location: Magnolia
Quest Type: Fighting
Quest Giver: Fisherman at -2635 64 -635 near Magnolia
Quest Objectives:
Objective 1: Head into the Lake behind the Fisherman and dive into its Depths to some Ruins
Objective 2: Defeat the Krakenin
Objective 2: Talk to Fisherman at -2635 64 -635
Quest Reward: J7,245
Quest Name: Medicinal Flowers
Quest Location: Magnolia
Quest Type: Gathering
Quest Giver: Alchemist at -3299 63 -336
Quest Objectives:
Objective 1: Go to the Mountain at -3426 81 -335 and pick 10 Yellow Figel Flowers(Open the Dandelions you see in this area like Chests and take any Flowers you find) then deliver
them to the Alchemist at -3299 63 -336
Quest Reward: J2,300
Quest Name: Mislaid Dog?
Quest Location: Magnolia
Quest Type: Help an NPC
Quest Giver: Old Johanson at -3318 63 -388
Quest Objectives:
Objective 1: Talk to Alchemist at -3299 63 -336
Objective 2: Talk to Gavin at -3207 63 -353
Objective 3: Talk to Jonavon at -3298 63 -287
Objective 4: Talk to the Guide Dog in the park at -3352 59 -316
Objective 5: Talk to Old Johanson at -3318 63 -388
Quest Reward: J1,200
Quest Name: Bakers Deliveryman
Quest Location: Magnolia
Quest Type: Delivery
Quest Giver: Baker at -3232 63 -285
Quest Objectives:
Objective 1: Deliver French Bread to Bawler at -3136 67 -329 in the Train Station
Objective 2: Deliver Curry Bread to Dave at -3143 63 -475
Objective 3: Deliver Raspberry Bakewell to Gavin at -3207 63 -353
Objective 4: Give Fairy Cake to Jonavon at -3298 63 -287
Objective 5: Talk to Baker at -3232 63 -285
Quest Reward: J3,150
Quest Name: Vulcan Subjugation
Quest Location: Magnolia
Quest Type: Fighting
Quest Giver: Olly the Guard at -3263 63 -552
Quest Objectives:
Objective 1: Go to Mt Hakobe at -2853 108 -787 and kill 20 Vulcans inside the Cave
Objective 2: Talk to Olly the Guard at -3263 63 -552
Quest Reward: J15,000 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Quest Name: Merchants Worry
Quest Location: Magnolia
Quest Type: Rescue
Quest Giver: Merchant Tilir
Quest Objectives:
Objective 1: Go to the Abandoned House at -3555 64 -497
Objective 2: Defeat the 6 Thugs in the Abandoned House
Objective 3: Talk to Uilio inside the cage
Objective 4: Talk to Merchant Tilir
Quest Reward: J8,750
Quest Name: Oracion Seis of the Balam Alliance
Quest Location: Magnolia Fairy Tail Guild Hall
Quest Type: Fighting
Quest Giver: Makarov at -3243 77 -837
Quest Objectives:
Objective 1: Talk to Ichiya at the Delegation at 5087 71 -186
Objective 2: Go to Nirvanas First Leg at 4989 69 -4
Objective 3: Climb up the Leg using the Vines then Defeat Racer who's in the Western most Lacrima Room
Objective 4: Defeat Angel who's in the South Western Lacrima Room
Objective 5: Defeat Cobra who's in the South Eastern Lacrima Room
Objective 6: Defeat Brain who's in the Eastern most Lacrima Room
Objective 7: Defeat Midnight who's in the North Eastern Lacrima Room
Objective 8: Defeat Master Zero who's in the North Western Lacrima Room
Quest Reward: J30,000 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Quest Name: Grimoire Heart of the Balam Alliance Quest Location: Magnolia Fairy Tail Guild Hall Quest Type: Fighting Quest Giver: Makarov at -3243 77 -837 Quest Objectives:
Objective 1: Reach Tenroujima at -395 69 -1774
Objective 2: Defeat 8 Grimoire Wizards on Tenroujima at -439 80 -1855
Objective 3: Defeat Kawazu who landed on Tenroujima at -518 78 -1926
Objective 4: Defeat Yomazu who landed on Tenroujima at -518 78 -1926
Objective 5: Defeat Zancrow on the Airship
Objective 6: Defeat Caprico on the Airship
Objective 7: Defeat Kain Hikaru on the Airship
Objective 8: Defeat Meredy on the Airship
Objective 9: Defeat Azuma on the Airship
Objective 10: Defeat Rustyrose on the Airship
Objective 11: Defeat Ultear on the Airship
Objective 12: Defeat Bluenote on the Airship
Objective 13: Defeat Hades on the Airship
Quest Reward: J37,500 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Quest Name: Tartaros of the Balam Alliance Quest Location: Magnolia Fairy Tail Guild Hall Quest Type: Fighting
Quest Giver: Makarov at -3243 77 -837
Quest Objectives:
Objective 1: Reach Tartaros Cube(2001 157 4660, radius 25)
Objective 2: Defeat Ezel
Objective 3: Defeat Franmalth
Objective 4: Defeat Seilah
Objective 5: Defeat Jackal
Objective 6: Defeat Silver
Objective 7: Defeat Keyes
Objective 8: Defeat Torafuzar
Objective 9: Defeat Tempester
Objective 10: Defeat Kyoka
Objective 11: Defeat Mard Geer
Quest Reward: J43,000
Quest Name: Phantom Lord
Quest Location: Magnolia Fairy Tail Guild Hall
Quest Type: Fighting
Quest Giver: Mirajane at -3271 77 -827
Quest Objectives:
Objective 1: Reach the Phantom Lord Guild Hall at 3968 64 4566
Objective 2: Defeat Totomaru at 3936 64 3577
Objective 3: Defeat Sol at 3993 64 3572
Objective 4: Defeat Juvia at 3998 64 3598
Objective 5: Defeat Aria at 3936 64 3599
Objective 6: Defeat Gajeel at 3995 78 3589
Quest Reward: J10,000 and 500 Exp in Magic, Vitality, Agility, Martial Arts and Weapon Proficiency
Quest Name: Tower of Heaven
Quest Location: Magnolia Fairy Tail Guild Hall
Quest Type: Fighting
Quest Giver: Erza at -3271 77 -796
Quest Objectives:
Objective 1: Reach the Tower of Heaven at 680 64 148
Objective 2: Defeat Vivaldas Taka
Objective 3: Defeat Fukuro
Objective 4: Defeat Ikaruga
Objective 5: Defeat Jellal
Objective 6: Talk to Erza at -3271 77 -796
Quest Reward: J12,600
Quest Name: Garou Knights
Quest Location: Magnolia Fairy Tail Guild Hall
Quest Type: Fighting
Quest Giver: Mirajane at -3271 77 -827
Quest Objectives:
Objective 1: Reach the Garou Knights at 1264 -45 -4270 (Take Carriage)
Objective 2: Defeat Kamika
Objective 3: Defeat Neppa
Objective 4: Defeat Cosmos
Objective 5: Defeat Uosuke
Objective 6: Defeat Kama
Quest Reward: J37,500
SClass Quest
Quest Name: Battle of Fairy Tail
Quest Location: Magnolia Fairy Tail Guild Hall
Quest Type: Fighting
Quest Giver: Levy
Quest Objectives:
Objective 1: Go to Kardia Cathedral at -3259 63 -453
Objective 2: Defeat Evergreen in Kardia Cathedral
Objective 3: Defeat Bickslow in Kardia Cathedral
Objective 4: Defeat Freed in Kardia Cathedral
Objective 5: Defeat Laxus in Kardia Cathedral
Objective 6: Talk to Levy
Quest Reward: J17,500
SClass Quest
Quest Name: Wicked Nymph Subjugation
Quest Location: Magnolia
Quest Type: Fighting
Quest Giver: Olly the Guard at -3263 63 -552
Quest Objectives:
Objective 1: Go to Earth Nymph Cave at -3830 70 -165
Objective 2: Defeat 5 of the Wicked Earth Nymphs inside the Cave
Objective 3: Talk to Olly the Guard at -3263 63 -552
Quest Reward: J15,000
SClass Quest
Quest Name: Novelists Ink
Quest Location: Magnolia
Quest Type: Fighting
Quest Giver: Inspired Novelist at -3373 63 -562
Quest Objectives:
Objective 1: Go to the Blizzardverns Mountain at -2939 108 -989
Objective 2: Defeat the Blizzardvern to get its Blood
Objective 3: Deliver the Wyvern Blood to the Inspired Novelist at -3373 63 -562
Quest Reward: J11,500