Coordinates of Shop within the City: 2046 63 -3408
Pouch (J1,000) - Opens your Ender chest. 75 Magic Power
Mechanical Repair (J1,000) - Repairs your worn Armour and Weaponry. 80 Magic Power
Flame Track (J2,500) - Set any entity around you on fire while walking. 60 Magic Power
Lightning Ambience (J8,000) - Launch a Lightning Strike to follow your target wherever they go. 85 Magic Power
Flaming Urchin (J11,500) - Shoot an Urchin formed of Flames which will devestate all in its path. 120 Magic
Needle Fist (J10,000) - Grow Needles out of your Hands, doing more damage each strike. 70 Magic Power
Meditation (J8,500) - You breathe in the Magical Energy around you, restoring your Magic Power.
Bound Rope (J5,000) - Create a Magical Rope and Bind your Enemey with it. 80 Magic Power