Quest Name: Irritating Disruption
Quest Location: Era
Quest Type: Fighting
Quest Giver: Guard Captain at 20 65 96
Quest Objectives:
Objective 1: Go to the Coffin Ossuary Guild Hall at -69 64 -380 and kill the 12 Dark Wizards there
Objective 2: Talk to the Guard Captain at 20 65 96
Quest Reward: J7,000
Quest Name: Locked Up
Quest Location: Era
Quest Type: Assassination
Quest Giver: Raban in the Train Station at 16 76 211
Quest Objectives:
Objective 1: Go to the Top of the Sabertooth Guild Hall in Era and Assassinate Smok Dil at 0 111 17 then collect his ear
Objective 2: Deliver Smoks Ear to Raban in the Train Station at 16 76 211
Quest Reward: J4,500
Quest Name: Mercantile Interruptions
Quest Location: Era
Quest Type: Fighting
Quest Giver: Merchant Xavier on the Docks at 122 64 81
Quest Objectives:
Objective 1: Talk to Oliver who is at -42 75 33
Objective 2: Talk to the Shopkeeper at 23 71 76
Objective 3: Go to Poturn Island at 985 64 -364
Objective 4: Defeat Blomar who's on Poturn Island
Objective 5: Talk to Merchant Xavier on the Docks at 122 64 81
Quest Reward: J10,000
Quest Name: Flushed Wedding Ring
Quest Location: Era
Quest Type: Retrieval
Quest Giver: Romeo at -34 75 -46
Quest Objectives:
Objective 1: Retrieve Romeos Wedding Ring from the Sewers in the Chest at -42 66 27. The Entrance to the Sewers is at 10 75 -82
Objective 2: Deliver the Wedding Ring to Romeo at -34 75 -46
Quest Reward: J5,500
Quest Name: Woman Abduction
Quest Location: Era
Quest Type: Fighting and Rescue
Quest Giver: Hulk at 80 70 22
Quest Objectives:
Objective 1: Talk to the Zoologist at 62 70 43
Objective 2: Go to the Vulcan Sighting at 58 80 395
Objective 3: Talk to the Zoologist at 62 70 43
Objective 3: Go to the Vulcan Sighting at -361 64 246
Objective 4: Talk to the Zoologist at 62 70 43
Objective 5: Go to the Vulcan Sighting at 375 66 283
Objective 6: Go into the Cave and defeat 5 Vulcans
Objective 7: Talk to Gamina at 376 59 286
Objective 8: Talk to Hulk at 80 70 22
Quest Reward: J12,000
Quest Name: Cloned Man
Quest Location: Era
Quest Type: Fighting
Quest Giver: Professor Ditricz at -90 65 75
Quest Objectives:
Objective 1: Talk to Nathan at -63 65 71
Objective 2: Talk to Lilita at -77 70 23
Objective 3: Talk to the Dock Worker down at the Docks at 131 63 52
Objective 4: Talk to Professor Ditricz at -90 65 75
Objective 5: Go to Brutemans location at 338 64 -70
Objective 6: Kill Bruteman
Objective 7: Talk to Professor Ditricz at -90 65 75
Objective 8: Kill Bruteman 50 times
Objective 9: Talk to Professor Ditricz at -90 65 75
Quest Reward: J23,350
Quest Name: Defiling Practices
Quest Location: Era
Quest Type: Fighting
Quest Giver: Roderick at -55 65 63
Quest Objectives:
Objective 1: Defeat ANY 200 Zombies and 100 Skeletons which spawn anywhere
Objective 2: Defeat the Evil Wizard down in the Era Sewers at 7 66 -43. The Entrance to the Sewers is at 10 75 -82
Quest Reward: J13,895
Quest Name: Daily Grocery Deliveries
Quest Location: Era
Quest Type: Delivery
Quest Giver: Yulion at 44 65 94
Quest Objectives:
Objective 1: Open the Chest in the Back of the Truck and take out the Fish, Meat and Lobster
Objective 2: Deliver the 7 Meat to Dan at -99 70 -2
Objective 3: Deliver the 4 Fish to Hulk at 78 70 23
Objective 4: Deliver the Lobster to Bank Manager Paul at 15 75 -63
Objective 5: Talk to Yulion at 44 65 94
Quest Reward: J2,135
Quest Name: Old Ghost
Quest Location: Era
Quest Type: Fighting
Quest Giver: Jack at 18 89 4 on the Second Floor of the Sabertooth Guild Hall
Quest Objectives:
Objective 1: Go to the Ghosts Location in the Sewers at 3 66 22. The Entrance to the Sewers is at 10 75 -82
Objective 2: Defeat the Ghost haunting the Sewers at 3 66 22
Objective 3: Talk to Jack at 18 89 4
Quest Reward: J6,000
Quest Name: Vermin Infestation
Quest Location: Era
Quest Type: Fighting
Quest Giver: Clarke at 111 65 -29
Quest Objectives:
Objective 1: Go to the Sewers, the Entrance to the Sewers is at 10 75 -82.
Objective 2: Kill 3 Rats down in the Sewers
Objective 3: Talk to Clarke at 111 65 -29
Objective 4: Exterminate 25 Rats down in the Sewers
Objective 5: Talk to Clarke at 111 65 -29
Objective 6: Exterminate the Rat Chief, he is in the Central Chamber of the Sewers and the route to get inside it is at -21 63 -16, there's a gap in the bars
Objective 7: Talk to Clarke at 111 65 -29
Quest Reward: J11,000
SClass Quest
Quest Name: Watchman
Quest Location: Era
Quest Type: Fighting
Quest Giver: Bank Manager Paul at 14 75 -64
Quest Objectives:
Objective 1: Go to the Private Bank at 59 76 -307
Objective 2: Defeat the 8 Bandits in front of the Bank
Objective 3: Go to the Vaults inside the Bank]
Objective 4: Defeat the 4 Raiders inside the Vault
Objective 5: Talk to Bank Manager Paul at 14 75 -64
Quest Reward: J20,000