Quest Name: Important Delivery
Quest Location: Crocus
Quest Type: Fighting & Delivery
Quest Giver: Chef Horatio at 765 76 5130
Quest Objectives:
Objective 1: Talk to Henry at -3245 63 -651 in Magnolia
Objective 2: Go to 1217 73 5257
Objective 3: Defeat the 8 Bandits
Objective 4: Retrieve Horatios Delivery from the Bandits Storage at 1208 70 5278
Objective 5: Talk to Henry at -3245 63 -651 in Magnolia
Objective 6: Deliver Horatios Delivery to Horatio at 765 76 5130 in Crocus
Quest Reward: J12,500 and 3 Cakes
Quest Name: Siren and the Shipwrecked
Quest Location: Crocus
Quest Type: Fighting
Quest Giver: One Eyed Pete at 654 65 4968
Quest Objectives:
Objective 1: Travel to 537 68 4852
Objective 2: Defeat the Siren
Objective 3: Speak to Old Salt at 537 68 4852
Objective 4: Speak to One Eyed Pete at 654 65 4968
Quest Reward: J23,000
Quest Name: Peer Pressure Gang
Quest Location: Crocus
Quest Type: Fighting
Quest Giver: Dell at 873 70 4835
Quest Objectives:
Objective 1: Talk to Michael at 942 70 4962
Objective 2: Go to 1068 72 5106
Objective 3: Speak to Jimmy
Objective 4: Go to the Gangs Hideout at 495 70 5716
Objective 5: Defeat 10 Gangsters
Objective 6: Defeat Dylan
Objective 7: Talk to Jimmy
Objective 8: Talk to Dell
Quest Reward: J30,000
Quest Name: Bustling Smith Store
Quest Location: Crocus
Quest Type: Socialising
Quest Giver: Blackmith Fabron at 836 71 5132
Quest Objectives:
Objective 1: Talk to Guard Luther at 736 70 5135
Objective 2: Talk to Weapon Shop Shopkeeper at 765 70 5098
Objective 3: Talk to Magic Store Shopkeeper at 787 70 5111
Objective 4: Talk to Item Store Shopkeeper at 783 70 5132
Objective 5: Talk to Samantha at 852 70 5078
Objective 6: Talk to Blacksmith Fabron at 836 71 5132
Quest Reward: J2,500
Quest Name: Frenzied Animals
Quest Location: Crocus
Quest Type: Fighting
Quest Giver: Guard Yorvie at 682 65 4906
Quest Objectives:
Objective 1: Go to Meteor Crash Site (1142 65 5463)
Objectieve 2: Defeat 2 Frenzied Sheep, 2 Frenzied Rabbits and 1 Frenzied Cow
Objective 3: Approach the Meteor
Objective 4: Deliver Radiating Lacrima to Guard Yorvie at 682 65 4906
Quest Reward: J10,195
Quest Name: Medicinal Herbs
Quest Location: Crocus
Quest Type: Fight & Gather
Quest Giver: Joseph at 984 70 4855
Quest Objectives:
Objective 1: Talk to Untrel in the Hospital at 877 70 5129
Objective 2: Go to the Mountain Top at 1183 97 4676
Objective 3: Deliver 3 Wolfhook Berries to Nurse at 880 70 5126
Objective 4: Speak to Joseph at 984 70 4855
Quest Reward: J18,500
Quest Name: Rookie Wizard
Quest Location: Crocus
Quest Type: Fighting
Quest Giver: Farmer Dutch at 922 65 5095
Quest Objectives:
Objective 1: Travel to the Farm at 1303 71 4956
Objective 2: Defeat 4 Scarecrow Pumpkins
Objective 3: Talk to Farmer Dutch at 922 65 5095
Quest Reward: J27,350
Quest Name: The Stereotype
Quest Location: Crocus
Quest Type: Fighting
Quest Giver: Polly at 913 70 5036
Quest Objectives:
Objective 1: Travel to the Blood Trail at 1003 65 5473
Objective 2: Follow the Blood Trail
Objective 3: Go inside the Base at 974 64 5626
Objective 4: Defeat the Psychotic Wizard
Objective 5: Talk to Guard at 886 70 4793
Objective 6: Talk to Polly at 913 70 5036
Quest Reward: 21,600
Quest Name: Book Thief
Quest Location: Crocus
Quest Type: Fighting
Quest Giver: Receptionist at 841 70 5098
Quest Objectives:
Objective 1: Talk to Polly at 913 70 5036
Objective 2: Talk to Dock Worker at 661 65 4926
Objective 3: Talk to Barmaid at 847 70 5191
Objective 4: Talk to the Drunk Patron at 839 70 5189
Objective 5: Go directly East to find any signs of the girls Trail (1258 65 5138)
Objective 6: Speak to Lily
Objective 7: Go to the Banshee Claw Guild Hall at 2106 64 5250
Objective 8: Defeat 10 Banshee Wizards
Objective 9: Defeat the Banshee Jailer
Objective 10: Talk to Jennifer(433) at 2105 51 5256
Objective 11: Talk to Receptionist at 841 70 5098
Quest Reward: J24,900
Quest Name: The Great Birder
Quest Location: Crocus
Quest Type: Fighting and Retrieval
Quest Giver: Scully at 1033 70 4940
Quest Objectives:
Objective 1: Go to the Bird Nest at 1122 74 5668
Objective 2: Defeat 3 Treasure Hunters
Objective 3: Take the Eggs from the Centre of the Nest
Objective 4: Deliver the Eggs to Frederick at 987 70 5184
Quest Reward: J16,500
Quest Name: The Outcast
Quest Location: Crocus
Quest Type: Socialise
Quest Giver: Sensin at 749 70 5060
Quest Objectives:
Objective 1: Speak to Vulcan behind Train Station at 784 69 5271
Objective 2: Speak to Sensin at 749 70 5060
Objective 3: Speak to Zoologist at 920 71 4989
Objective 4: Speak to Sensin at 749 70 5060
Objective 5: Speak to Vulcan at 784 69 5271
Quest Reward: J3,650
Quest Name: Lost Fairy
Quest Location: Crocus
Quest Type: Search
Quest Giver: Wendy at 802 71 4810
Quest Objectives:
Objective 1: Find Carla at 875 70 5031
Objective 2: Talk to Carla
Objective 3: Talk to Wendy at 802 71 4810
Quest Reward: J4,320
Quest Name: Trolling Troll
Quest Location: Crocus
Quest Type: Fighting
Quest Giver: Lochlann at 938 70 5016
Quest Objectives:
Objective 1: Travel to the Bridge at 1530 100 4530
Objective 2: Defeat the Bridge Troll
Objective 3: Talk to Lochlann at 938 70 5016
Quest Reward: J32,000
Quest Name: Orphan Terror
Quest Location: Crocus
Quest Type: Fighting
Quest Giver: Mable at 701 69 4876
Quest Objectives:
Objective 1: Travel to the Orphanage at 487 69 4323
Objective 2: Defeat the 7 Bureau of Magical Development Guards
Objective 3: Defeat the Ascended Orphan
Objective 4: Speak to Mable at 701 69 4876
Quest Reward: 28,230
Quest Name: Minding the Store
Quest Location: Crocus
Quest Type: Nine to Five
Quest Giver: Bruce at 745 70 5187
Quest Objectives:
Objective 1: Give Sylvesters Goods to Sylvester, Michaels Goods to Michael, Sarahs Goods to Sarah, Tylers Goods to Tyler and Luffs Goods to Luff. They will enter the Store, you must wait.
Objective 2: Talk to Bruce who's gotten back from the Wholesaler at 745 70 5187
Quest Reward: J8,300
Quest Name: Lift My Curse
Quest Location: Crocus
Quest Type: Fighting
Quest Giver: Priscilla at 536 68 5166
Quest Objectives:
Objective 1: Talk to Rosa at 710 70 5189
Objective 2: Reach the Bandit Camp at 1475 64 4796
Objective 3: Defeat 8 Forest Bandits
Objective 4: Deliver 8 Human Hearts to Rosa at 710 70 5189
Objective 5: Deliver the Curse Cure to Rosa
Quest Reward: J17,500
Quest Name: Removing the Annoyance
Quest Location: Crocus
Quest Type: Assassination
Quest Giver: Reginal Durmont at 754 70 5015
Quest Objectives:
Objective 1: Go to the Guard Captains Patrol at 1386 80 4735
Objective 2: Murder the Guard Captain
Objective 3: Deliver Guards Mouth to Reginald Durmont
Quest Reward: J30,500
Quest Name: Divine Act
Quest Location: Crocus
Quest Type: Fighting
Quest Giver: Priest at 706 71 5197
Quest Objectives:
Objective 1: Go to where the Priest and his Monster Army is at 1835 63 4732
Objective 2: Defeat the 10 Monsters
Objective 3: Defeat the Priest
Objective 4: Talk to Priest at 706 71 5197
Quest Reward: J13,575
Quest Name: Quick Money
Quest Location: Crocus
Quest Type: Fighting
Quest Giver: Sergeant at 815 70 5047
Quest Objectives:
Objective 1: Go to the Slavers Camp at 1391 69 4405
Objective 2: Defeat the 6 Slavers
Objective 3: Talk to Sergeant at 815 70 5047
Quest Reward: J18,500
Quest Name: Wyvern Territory
Quest Location: Crocus
Quest Type: Fighting
Quest Giver: Guard Luther at 736 70 5135
Quest Objectives:
Objective 1: Go to the Monster Territory at 881 85 3726
Objective 2: Defeat the 3 White Wyverns
Objective 3: Talk to Guard luther at 736 70 5135
Quest Reward: J22,200