Coordinates of Shop within the City: 786 70 5107
Spiritus Sancti (J135,000) - Call upon the Divine Powers to bring your Body back to its optimal state, removing any detrimental effects. 100 Magic Power
Electric Volt (J90,000) - Discharge a large voltage of electricity to electrocute your target, destroying and stunning them. 100 Magic Power
Unholy Darkness Ray (J90,000) - Call forth the power of the deepest darkness and unleash it upon the world, can only be used at Night. 90 Magic Power
Wolf Possession (J125,000) - Use a unique brand of Seith Magic to make a Wolf possess your Body, increasing your Strength, Speed and Jumping Power. 150 Magic Power
Mystical Arrow (J20,000) - Fire an Arrow made of Magic Power at the Enemy. 50 Magic Power
Raising the Dead (J100,000) - Raise the Dead and force them to fight for you. 90 Magic Power
Possession Puppetry (J100,000) - Create strings out of Magic Power and attach them to your limbs then manipulate them to force maximimum output increasing your Strength, Speed, Jumping Ability and Attack Speed. 130 Magic Power
Flame Shot (J50,000) - Ignite a great Flame then lob it at the Enemy, engulfing them in Flames. 90 Magic Power
Water Base (J45,000) - Create and super compact a Ball of Water which rapidly returns to its original size upon impact to devestate an Enemy. 105 Magic Power
Venom Hand (J120,000) - Gather a large quantity of Poison Magic in your Palm, resulting in your enemies being afflicted with Poison when you hit them. 20 Magic Power
Blaze Sword (J70,000) - Generate a Flaming Sword and launch it at the Enemy, burning and impaling them. 100 Magic Power
Apple Prank (J13,000) - Throw a Magically imbued Apple which can afflict one of six ailments on a target. 30 Magic Power
Magic Workbench (J5,000) - Open a Magical Workbench for practical use. 50 Magic Power