Level 1:
Smokey Fist - Create a Fist of Smoke to hit your enemy right in the face
Cumulus Smoke Cloud - Create a cloud of smoke then wrap it around your body to float on the air
Smoke Chain - Bind the target in chains of Smoke
Level 6: Smoke Screen - Releases a lot of smoke magic into the air, blocking peoples view and affecting their mind with toxic smoke, rendering them unable to use magic
Level 11: Smoke Shots - Creates 5 blasts of smoke from different angles to annihilate your target
Level 16: Smoke Form - Become one with the smoke, making your body lighter, and cushioning any incoming blows
Level 21: Smoke Pipe Wolf - Create 3 wolf shapes of Smoke which fight for you
Level 26: Smoke Pipe Man - Create a person shape of Smoke which fights for you
Level 31: Smoke Pipe Knuckle Storm - Creates many fists of Smoke to batter your enemy until your Magic Power runs out
Level 36: Fume Jacket - Don a jacket of smoke which disturbs the magic particles in the air, making magic not hit you, and anyone who attacks you gets wrapped up in smoke, lifted into the air
Level 41: Gas Vortex - Generate a pillar of rapidly spinning Smoke which flings away anyone near it
Level 46: Smoke N Ashes - Create an area full of deadly smoke magic which suffocates them and they rise into the sky like gas
Level 51: Cigar Form - Transform into The Cigar, the embodiment of Smoke, you look like a cool dude, gain the ability to float and all your Smoke Magic is made more efficient.
Level 56: Gaseous Core - Create a sphere of Smoke Magic above you which sucks in anyone near, then light it up, burning up anyone affected