Level 1:
Enchant: Strengthen - Increases the users Strength
Enchant: Mobility Up - Increases the users Movement Speed
Enchant: Toughness Up - Increases the users Resistance to Damage
Level 6: Enchant: Acceleration - Increases the users natural health regeneration rate
Level 11:
Enchant: StrengthenxOther - Increases the targets Strength
Enchant: MobilityUpxOther - Increases the targets Movement Speed
Enchant: ToughnessUpxOther - Increases the targets Resistance to Damage
Enchant: AccelerationxOther - Increases the targets natural health regeneration rate
Level 16: Enchant: Anti-Magic - Creates an area where magic cannot be used
Level 21: Enchant: Deus Cerma - Enchants a Meteor in Space to change its heading to Earthland
Level 26: Enchant: Blank - Uses an anomaly recovery enchantment to remove all negative effects
Level 31: Enchant: Berserk - Puts one target into a Berserk state, greatly strengthening them
Level 36: Enchant: Berserkers - Puts all nearby into a Berserk state, greatly strengthening them
Level 41: Enchant: Deus Zero - This Magic Power Separation Enchantment will take any targets Magic Power as your own
Level 46: Enchant: Drive - Enchant your body to increase the flow of your Magic Power, allowing you to use spells more often at the cost of wasting some Magic Power
Level 51: Enchant: Conversion - Enchant your body to increase the intensity of the flow of your Magic Power, increasing the output of your Spells at the cost of using more Magic Power
Level 56: Enchant: Endow - Grant life and a personality onto a Sword to serve you